Just In Time, Every Time
West Texas Filters' way of filter supply is truly a game-changer. We start with a comprehensive on-site survey of your facility and log every filter you have giving you a complete picture of your current filter situation. Next, we create a unique schedule for your filters and make recommendations that can help you cut your overall cost for your filters.
Filters arrive on schedule, labeled and ready to be installed. You no longer have to buy filters in bulk and store them in your warehouse.
Receive every air filter right on time, every time, tagged and ready to be installed
Eliminate the need to buy bulky filter boxes and finding space to store them
Detailed log sheets make it easier than ever for your PM crew to install filters and keep track of installs
Reduce the Total Cost of Ownership for your filters
Call today to get a free, no-obligation estimate for your establishment. We offer professional service, lower prices, and guaranteed performance. Call our sales rep today (806.791.2299), or email us at info@wtfilters.com